Thursday, January 28, 2010

Game Change by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin

Obama is smart and charismatic, Clinton is bitter, Palin is clueless and McCain didn’t really want to run. On the surface there doesn’t seem to be much new to say about the 2008 campaign but reporters Heileman and Halperin, writers at New York and Time magazines, dug deep and found some

Tidbits like: Elizabeth Edwards, whom I have always admired (except for her choice in husbands, yuck) is a witch and a nightmare, described by insiders as: “abusive, intrusive, paranoid, a condescending crazy woman”. What bugs me about this revelation is that it may, in some twisted way, be used to justify her husband's disgusting behavior.

At the infamous moment in their debate when Palin walked up to Biden and said ‘Hey can I call you Joe’, she did so because, during rehearsals for the debate, she couldn't stop calling him ‘O’Biden’

And one of my favorites: In private with his staff, Obama loved to mockingly repeat Palin’s signature phrase “You betcha!’ Can’t you just seem him winking an eye and giving the thumbs up as he’s doing it a la Tina Fey? Priceless.

This gem of a book is filled with details like these and ends with the unimaginable moment when Obama offered Clinton the Secretary of State job and she accepted. “Obama had pulled off the greatest game changer of them all. On the brink of great power and awesome responsibility, he and Clinton were on the same team.” Brilliant politics.

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