Yes, it's too short at 82 pages, but she writes so well and gets to the heart of motherhood on every single darn page that it was worth the $16.99. One of my favorite passages: "I am your mother, the first mile of your road. Me and all my obvious and hidden limitations. That means that in addition to possibly wrecking you, I have the chance to give to you what was given to me: a decent childhood, more good memories than bad, some values, a sense of a tribe, a run at happiness. You can't imagine how seriously I take that - even as I fail you. Mothering you is the first thing of consequence that I have ever done." Dang, I would have paid the $16.99 just for that one jewel...
When she described witnessing her daughter's spinal tap it hit particularly close to home.. having been through the same thing with Jimmy once I can attest that there is nothing like watching your child being put through the most excruciating pain.. as Kelly describes it "It's one thing to know your child is in pain, it's another to attend it." Then, when it was over. "He stood up and handed you to me. You were hot and whimpering. I held you, heart to heart, your hands around my neck. Although I'd betrayed you, although I'd stood by while people spread and bent and stabbed you, you still wanted me most of all." Being a mother... wow
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