Jimmy had a true bit of inner conflict last week. He wondered, when it was time for him to be chosen ‘star student’ for Mr Wyka’s 3rd grade class, which allows students to bring in one thing that is special to them, would he bring in the 6 book set of Artemus Fowl which he so proudly finished a few weeks ago or the silver medal he won in a wrestling tournament. We talked about it (a lot) and figured out that the books represent his reading/intellectual side and the medal a physical accomplishment that he had wrestled 3 matches to win. Thankfully his teacher said he could bring both things in (thank you Mr. Wyka) but I was so happy that he wanted to show both sides of himself... and that he LOVES to read!
So it was time for me to read "Artemus" .. it's a typical kids spy book but with trolls whose power comes from the farts they have (powerful stuff) and the 12 year old Artemus is always the smartest one (kid or grownup) in the room!
Fun stuff and esp fun to share it with my boy..
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